Ogre Battle Saga Wiki

Boed Fortress

Inside Boed

Within the Fortress

"The ruins of an ancient fortress built to serve as a watch tower on Phaesta Minor."
— Description

Boed Fortress, is a location in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. Set on a small island east of Almorica and Rhime, the fort is used by the Valerian Liberation Front as a secret base.

Boed also conceals the entrance to the Temple of Xoshonell.


Chapter 3: Chaotic[]

Boed Fortress
Leader Oz PSP portrait Oz Moh Glacius
Class Knight Commander
Faction Lodis crest Dark Knights Loslorien
Requirements Rhime battle completed, but Phidoch Castle not yet visited
Version All

Chapter 3: Neutral[]

Boed Fortress
Leader Oz PSP portrait Oz Moh Glacius
Class Knight Commander
Faction Lodis crest Dark Knights Loslorien
Guests Cerya Phoraena
Requirements none
Notes Cerya will start the battle Leadened.
Cerya must survive to recruit her in Chapter 4.
Version All

Chapter 4[]

Boed Fortress
Leader Lobos PSP portrait Lobos
Class Berserker (SNES/PSX)
Rogue (PSP)
Faction HM crest Highwaymen
Requirements Initiate Apocrypha sidequest (SNES/PSX)
Read the talk topic of the Ancient Shrines (PSP)
Version All
Within the Fortress
Leader None
Faction Unknown
Requirements see Apocrypha/Requirements
Version PSP


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Fort Bodo
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Boed Fortress